Sino Canada Innovation Centre

中加创新中心 Sino Canada Innovation Centre(加拿大联邦政府非盈利机构) 在加拿大零碳产业研究院(www.H2city.org总部位于蒙特利尔)基础上 以劳埃德银行为牵头人,汇集国内外产业基金 投资拓展新材料 新技术应用市场,发展可再生能源智能化装备产业以及基于氢燃料电池的船舶和飞机零排放动力应用,重点开发不依赖铂铱催化剂的一体化制氢设备,引进具备膜电极核心竞争力的氢燃料电池技术落地中国,集成光伏、风电、制氢、储能、发电等,利用氢燃料电池热电联供 智能电网技术 建设海上绿能岛或零碳工业园区。


The International Academy of Electrochemical Energy Science was established in 2013 as an international organization for the purpose of creating a global community to encourage research and partnerships in the field of electrochemical energy science and technology.

Eriksholm Research Centre is part of Oticon, a worldleader in hearing care and Oticon again is part of Demark, which is a stock hold company, traded at the Copenhagen Stock exchange.

The Canadian Academy of Engineering comprises over 800 Fellows who have made outstanding contributions to engineering in Canada and around the world. They have demonstrated their dedication to the application of science and engineering principles to advance social, environmental, economic and technical solutions.

Alaa Abd-El-Aziz

Alaa Abd-El-Aziz is a Canadian academic and former president of the University of Prince Edward Island
